Additional information
Each lot corresponds to a 53’ truckload.
Units per lot: 11,670 to 55,975
Your price per unit: USD 0.80 to USD $2.05
Save 84% compared to the retail price.
EXW Miami, FL.
Example offer. Ask us for updated inventory
Ideal offer for wholesalers or large stores!
Multiple truckloads available full of clothing (mostly) and few additional items such as shoes, accessories, and more.
Choose the lot you want. This offer includes a wide repetition of styles.
Brand new product from Waltmart. Check the merchandise conditions.
Reference images from some actual items included in this offer.
*Although unusual, a percentage of the products in the liquidation lots may not exactly match the items specified in the manifest. Ask us for more information.
Minimum purchase and price are subject to change. Please ask us.
Each lot corresponds to a 53’ truckload.
Units per lot: 11,670 to 55,975
Your price per unit: USD 0.80 to USD $2.05
Save 84% compared to the retail price.
EXW Miami, FL.