Additional information
Lot available for immediate delivery.
Number of pairs: 18,200 pares
Number of pallets: 52
Your price per pair: USD $1.95
Your total price: USD $35,490.00
USD $1.95 per pair (18,200 pairs)
Lot of Amazon shoes for women, men and children.
Find sports shoes (sneakers), heeled shoes, sandals, boots, booties, among others. A wide assortment of sizes. Mixed seasons.
Brand new product. Check the merchandise conditions.
Actual photos from the merchandise.
Minimum purchase and price are subject to change. Please ask us.
Lot available for immediate delivery.
Number of pairs: 18,200 pares
Number of pallets: 52
Your price per pair: USD $1.95
Your total price: USD $35,490.00